26 Sep

The world is witnessing significant Capex and technology shifts. 5G has finally arrived. Cloud companies across the planet are building massive data centers, and enterprises are starting to connect more and more devices. Virtualization has become a common theme across all networks. The unabated growth in demand for optical fiber boosts these trends. The optical fiber cable deployment has grown five times. This means that the deployment of fiber cable has become way faster. fibers to be packed into cables with much higher density. fibers could then be coated with smaller diameter primary buffer coatings allowing more fibers to be packed in a smaller space.

Building denser networks faster, Traditionally, a typical fiber cable deployment involved installing a single cable into a 20mm/25mm duct. Currently, there is a need for better utilization of space in the duct so that more fibers can be put into the duct. Microducts have come up to meet these concerns, usually 12mm/10mm in size, with extremely high fiber count. Microduct technology offers a craft-friendly and cost-effective means to upgrade a network, which can scale on-demand by deploying fiber. Today this technology can be extensively seen in congested areas, including large metros, with limited duct space. Such cable designs are lightweight and compact, and they feature high fiber density to maximize the fiber count available in small cable diameters. Micro cables come in a varying range of fiber count and deliver commendable performance while having a compact size. These cables are made by making the jacket of the cables thinner and are easier to handle and work with. Micro cables are also highly safe, as they are particularly designed to be blown into a duct. Micro cables and multi ways ducts can be helpful in future-proofing a network and are a brilliant investment choice.